

When you place an order for a product you are offering to buy it for the price stated, subject to these Terms and Conditions:



All custom orders take 14 business days to process. I work extremely hard to cut this time frame down.


ALL SALES ARE FINAL. We do not offer refunds or exchanges due to the nature of our products. 


When you place your order you will be sent an email to confirm that we have received it. These email confirmations are produced automatically so that you have confirmation of your order details. The fact that you receive an automatic confirmation does not necessarily mean that we will be able to fulfill that order. We will then check availability of the product(s) ordered. If the product(s) is available and the details of the order are correct, you will receive an email once the product(s) is dispatched. If the product is not available we will also notify you via email. In the event of a product being unavailable the payment made for the product will be refunded in full.


We may cancel any order if it is reasonable to do so and may change or discontinue the availability of products at any time at its sole discretion. If an order is cancelled, you will be notified via email and any payment made for the product(s) will be refunded in full. This does not affect your Statutory Rights.


All new orders are deemed separate and each is treated individually.